January 29, 2016

What is effecting the engagement of your employees?

Are you aware that the number one thing employees’ value most about their job is their colleagues? Are you also aware that the culture of a workplace is one of the top correlating factors to employee happiness? The recent study generated by TINYpulse anonymously surveyed over 400,000 people in relation to employment engagement. TINYpulse concluded with 7 major trends impacting workplaces;

  • Culture
  • Peers and colleagues
  • Attrition
  • Professional Growth
  • Appreciation
  • Meeting potential
  • Colleague follow-through

As mentioned earlier, colleagues were among the top things that employees value most. Along with good colleagues comes a good culture. Workplace culture correlates to the happiness of staff. Unhappy staff will result in a lack of efficiency and productivity. So the answer is simple; happy culture= happy staff= happy work results.

The truth that 69% of employees feel they are not fulfilling their job combined with the fact that 75% of employees don’t feel they have professional growth opportunities is frightening for employers. This lack of growth would lead 75% of younger employees to look for a new job. If employers provided specificity and focus of tasks and more room for professional development, staff would feel more satisfied in their position and in meeting their potential. This would increase loyalty and productivity to the business. Providing opportunities for professional growth, appreciation and value of employees along with a competitive salary would reduce the 1 in 4 employees who would be willing to leave and work for competitor to receive a 10% raise.

The TINYpulse survey found that 69% of staff feel unappreciated. That little magic word ‘thank-you’ means much to employees than employers realize and the benefits of saying it will be surprising. When people feel appreciated, their morale is boosted. Employees with a pride for their work will strive to keep on achieving which benefits the business and of course creates a productive and positive culture.

Productivity is paramount to any business, if things aren’t getting done, the business falls behind. So what is the number one killer of job productivity? According to TINYpulse, coworkers’ lack of follow through was the highest rating factor that decreased productivity. So when hiring employees, don’t just do so to ‘fill seats’. It is important to recognize the needs and culture of existing staff and hire someone who will collaborate well and increase the efficiency of the workplace. As colleagues can boost the atmosphere of the work place they can just as easily bring it down.

Take time to understand the employees and their needs. Recruit personnel who have the skills and fit in with the culture of the workplace. Emphasise focus on tasks to allow employees to reach their potential and develop their skills. Last but not least, ensure employees know they are appreciated. With these things combined employees will be happy, engaged and loyal to the business.

Learn more about the TINYpulse 2015 Employee Engagement and Organisational Culture report.

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