August 18, 2016

Why You Should Stop Multitasking

Sometimes we have a lot on our plate at work, and so it is tempting to try to complete everything simultaneously. Multitasking may seem like the most efficient way to get through your list, but there are a few reasons why you should ditch this habit.

Tina Daniels shares why multitasking does more harm than good. While it may seem as though you are doing both jobs simultaneously, multitasking actually involves switching your attention between tasks.  This means less focus and efficiency.

This attention jumping results in decreased performance, and increases the possibility of errors and accidents.

Regardless of the work you’re doing, it is best to put your full focus into one task at a time. Avoid multitasking in order to achieve the best results, work most efficiently, and get through your to do list. Read the full article on 7 reasons to ditch multitasking.

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