August 25, 2016

How to change careers

When you’re unhappy with your career path, it’s easy to fantasise about making a change. But change is daunting, especially when it relates to your career and livelihood. Doubt can creep in.

“What if I am too old to change careers?”

“I’ve been committed to this path for so long.”

“Am I capable of another path?”

These are normal thoughts and concerns to have when faced with any change, but it is important to get some perspective. While going into the unknown may be scary, it can also lead to new and exciting opportunities.

The Undercover Recruiter offers some great advice on how to approach changing your career. For example, begin by talking to people in your desired field. They can give you real insight into an otherwise unknown profession. It can also boost your confidence to listen and realise you are capable of doing the jobs they describe. It is never too late to learn new things!

If you are unhappy with your career path, you are free to change it! Read the full article for steps on how to change your career.

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